We are unicycle.com Canada and
We are suppliers for Canadians and international unicycle.com Customers
We are suppliers for Canadians and international unicycle.com Customers.
Joined the Unicycle.com team in 2007, and has been happy ever since. A strong passion for art means you will often see him drawing on his unicycle as much as he rides it. Founder of Jugglegear Inc, where he designs circus equipment for professionals and amateurs. Head Coach for the the AcrobaticStudio.com where he teaches youth, Sport Acro, Acro Dance, Contortion and Cyr wheel.
We have a few other people that help out around the shop at different times.
Unicycle.com Canada / Municycle.ca is a fully Canadian owned independent business, operated by Jugglegear INC under the UNICYCLE.COM name
as a franchisee of Gemcrest Ltd (UK) and Unicycle.com (USA).